What is the Difference Between a Medical Esthetician and an Esthetician?

Estheticians and medical estheticians are specialists in skin care. Estheticians generally work with clients who have minor skin problems, such as age spots or dry skin, while medical estheticians tend to work with clients who suffer from much more serious skin problems, such as burns, trauma, or helping people after plastic surgery. When working in a salon or spa, a beautician will perform facials, waxing, pore cleansing, and scrubs. As a beautician, you can work for yourself or open your own salon.

This is a great environment if you like to work in a relaxed atmosphere while making your customers look and feel beautiful. A spa beautician may focus more on services that provide relaxation and improve the personal appearance of clients. For example, a beautician working in a spa may focus on providing relaxing massages with aromatherapy oils, providing moisturizing or anti-aging facials, or applying makeup to a client who has special plans for the night. Many beauticians choose to get additional training. Spa beauticians, for example, can take additional massage courses or seek more information about aromatherapy.

A medical esthetician, on the other hand, can opt for classes that will help them learn more about providing services in a medical setting. In fact, some schools even offer specialized programs for medical aestheticians. Even if you decide to specialize in medical or spa aesthetics, you should keep in mind that no state issues a medical esthetician or spa aesthetic license. Educational requirements for licensing are the same for all estheticians. If you are interested in this line of work, consider becoming an esthetician nurse rather than an esthetician doctor.

After gaining more work experience, the salaries of the two occupations will be further separated and the medical beautician will earn significantly more. While you must have a license as a general esthetician to practice, there are currently no specialized licenses for medical estheticians. Usually, becoming a medical esthetician involves getting all the training of an esthetician and then going further in terms of specialization. Spa Esthetician Whether they work in salons or spas, these estheticians perform routine skin care services for a variety of clients. If you become a medical esthetician, your work schedule and environment will generally be more consistent. Because they perform medical procedures, the staff and health professionals who work there require different licenses and qualifications.

A beautician generally works in day salons and spas performing beauty treatments, while a medical esthetician can perform botox, laser treatments, and body remodeling in a medical setting. If you want to become a medical esthetician, the most standard route is to obtain a general aesthetic license and seek additional training and certifications in areas of interest such as microblading and chemical peels. As a beautician, you will perform an analysis of clients' skin all the time and determine the type of skin so that you can treat it correctly and advise the right treatment for the client to do at home. One important thing to keep in mind is that regardless of location, no beautician can perform botox, dermal filler, or anything that is considered “medical” rather than “cosmetic”. Estheticians typically work in spa and beauty salon environments while medical estheticians can be found in plastic surgeon offices or rehabilitation centers.